Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween this year was loads of fun for everyone. Maddox was a little trooper treking from door to door keeping right up with his brothers. He didn't complain once and didn't need to be carried until the walk back to our house. Camden was in his glory trick-or-treating with his friend Lauren. And Logan was thrilled with his spooky costume, but conservatively decided not to keep his skull light lit for fear he'd run out the batteries before the night was over--typical of him! Some snapshots from the night:

Our l'il punkin: The hat he's wearing is from Logan's infant costume; think he'll be mad about that in 10 years?


What a crew: Skullzor, Tim Thomas of the BB's, and Pumpkin Boy


Lots of fun and lots of candy. We always dump it out and take an official count when we get home. Here are this year's stats:
Logan: 123 pieces
Camden: 132 pieces
Maddox: 81 pieces
Grand Total: 336 pieces of sugary, teeth-rotting, hyperactivity-inducing sweetness!

Remember Today 10.31.08

{remember} Camden calling two of his friends to see if they can trick-or-treat with us tonight--no prompting from me, completely on his own including getting the phone numbers off his class list, dialing and talking to the parents. Nothing phases this kid. Did I mention both of these friends were girls?! A little glimpse into the future: "Mr and Mrs. Smith, I'd like to ask your permission to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. . ." Whoa, ok maybe that's a little too far into the future.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Remember Today 10.30.08

{remember} a big dose of ego boost dished by my super great friends. Don't great friends always know just the right things to say?!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Remember Today 10.29.08

{remember} making cupcakes spur of the moment with the boys after school--no frosting, just plain, sprinkly-yummy cake!

This is the way we wash our face so early in the morning

Me: Maddox, you need to have your face washed.
M: No, I don't, I just do this, see {licks the entire area around his lips several times} All clean! {smiles}

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life at the Ritz

Here is what our bed looked like tonight:

Camden, your love is better than chocolate!

The heart of the matter. . .

A conversation today when the boys are getting gumballs
C: me first, me first!
M: okay
Me: {seizing the teachable moment for ordinal numbers} What does that make you, Maddox?
C: me second.
M: {looks right at me with puppy dog eyes} sad

Remember Today 10.28.08

{remember} living the creative life today: crafting a handmade journal for elsie's class, stuffing halloween treats for the boys' classes, the 3 boys watercolor painting after dinner tonight. So much fun and so great when I can craft with them during the day--for all of us!

Here's my journal so far. I will bind it after the class so I can add in the print materials Elsie
gives us.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Remember Today 10.27.08

{remember} another one of many late nights preparing for the craft fair. I'll be posting some creations on Life Made Creations.

Check out what's got me so excited

I am so, so, so pumped for elsie's upcoming class. How can I resist a chance to take a class with this renowned and talented artist. Just look at her adorable little projects, and my life is just itching for as much creativity as I can soak up these days. After a bit of cajoling, I was able to cash in on an early Christmas present. Six weeks, 30 projects; this couldn't come at a worse time: amid shopping (I'm promising myself to get a good chunk done before Thanksgiving), holiday card making (this may be the year to go digital with these), an upcoming craft fair (fills up the stress-o-meter rather nicely all by itself), hosting the annual family Christmas party (not a biggie--everyone chips in, and with all those people, will anyone really notice if my floors aren't washed?!), cookie baking, gift wrapping, oh, and so much for getting a start on wedding invitations. And I just recalled I signed up for Jessica Sprague's journaling class which begins on the 9th. No worries, I have a super-awesome husband (hope you're reading this one, Honey) who will spoil me with loads of free time on all the weekends from now until Christmas. He says they boys are better behaved when I'm not around, anyway--here's his chance to test that theory. And a fantastic Mom who has graciously offered to take my boys, well the youngest three anyway--thanks, Mom, I'm gonna need it!
What's that saying? If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. Well, that'll be me for the next 8 weeks, but please, please, please do NOT ask me to do anything!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Remember Today 10.26.08

{remember} another home cooked meal that I didn't have to make at my parents' house with family. . .ahhh. . .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Remember Today 10.25.08

{remember} dropping L & C of at the dojo and meeting Perry at home to enjoy and reminisce about the days with just one child (if only for 1 1/2 hours)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Remember Today 10.24.08

{remember} eating lunch and reading an entire magazine article while Maddox snoozes in the car after a trip to the grocery store. PS--love Jon and Kate plus 8!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Remember Today 10.23.08

{remember} 4 hours of creativity sans kiddos--pure bliss. Thanks so much, Mom. You have no idea how happy this makes me, how much I need it--for more than one reason, and how grateful I am!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remember Today 10.22.08

{remember} Camden's new habit of watching a bit of the Bruins on tv to unwind after school.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Remember Today 10.21.08

{remember} Maddox acting the part of Goldilocks to find the just right bed to sleep in: put him in his bed: "no, I wanna sleep in your bed." Put him in my bed: "It's too dark, I wanna sleep in Logan's bed." Me: "Logan's bed will be dark, too." Him: "I wanna sleep in Camden's room." Me: "His room is dark, too. The only room with a night light is your's." Him: "Okay." Back in his bed: "No, I wanna sleep in Logan's room." Me: "It's dark in there." Him: "That's okay, I wanna sleep with Logan." The best part: I went in 5 minutes later to check them. M was fast asleep, and L opened his eyes straining to see me without moving a muscle so as not to wake his baby brother. So dear. . .

Monday, October 20, 2008

Remember Today 10.20.08

{remember} Maddox introducing his "Lambie" to Camden's dog, Daisy: "See Daisy, this is Lambie. Wanna give him a kiss? {smooch}."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Remember Today 10.19.08

{remember} sticking to my Scrapbooking Sunday--finishing up some journaling and crafting some cutie pie turkeys for stamp club.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Remember Today 10.18.08

{remember} Logan scoring his first goal of the soccer season (and I missed it to stay home and make dinner)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Remember Today 10.17.08

{remember} going to Camden's Friday Sing Along music program and seeing him be one of the flag holders. See his little wave to Maddox and I in the photo below.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Remember Today 10.16.08

{remember} spending some time online looking at some great books--those I can't get at the library will probably make it to my Christmas List (all business related)
Taking Flight
Handmade for Profit
Craft, Inc.
Basic Guide to Pricing your Craftwork
Everyday Matters
Living the Creative Life
1000 Artist Journal Pages
Art Journals & Creative Healing
500 Handmade Books

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Remember Today 10.15.08

{remember} grabbing bagels with Camden for his and Maddox's lunch, and a coffee and sandwich for me--sometimes it's a nice treat to get lunch out; a break from the ol' ham and cheese or pb&j.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remember Today 10.14.08

{remember} waking at 4:53 am and actually getting out of bed to work on stuff that's been neglected for a good 2 weeks (like my blog). Some dark and peaceful alone time--gotta take it where I can get it!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Remember Today 10.13.08

{remember} On Holiday: a completely free day with nothing but a 4:30 Red Sox playoff game on the calendar. Perry home from work, Jammies until 1:00, blowing off M's swim and C's soccer (wish I knew how disappointed he'd be before I made that call).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Remember Today 10.12.08

{remember} Scrapbooking Sunday! Hmmm, this should be a regular part of my weekend!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Remember Today 10.11.08

{remember} a fun-filled, busy day: gym at 7:30 for me, apple picking, playdate for L & C turned impromptu family dinner together.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Remember Today 10.10.08

{remember} no school for the boys and playdates for each of them at our home--so much fun for them, and an easier day for me--a win-win!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Remember Today 10.9.08

{remember} some much needed downtime for the boys outside just playing with the neighbors.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Remember Today 10.8.08

{remember} birthday cake (I didn't have to make) for Perry's birthday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Remember Today 10.7.08

{remember} the boys feeling the stress of afterschool activities and needing some down time to just play and be kids. Need to focus on striking a balance with extracurricular activities so they (and I) don't burn out.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Remember Today 10.6.08

{remember} a double dose of soccer--practice for C and a make up game for L. Good thing Perry could make it home so we could divide and conquer.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Remember Today 10.5.08

{remember} the sweetness of my nephew who gave Maddox a rubber ducky he got as a b-day gift at church.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Remember Today 10.4.08

{remember} dinner out with Perry to a new (to us) and very delicious restaurant.
One (1) night out, two (2) people spending some very much needed time alone, three (3) boys left in Nani and Grandpa's care, and four (4) courses of yummy deliciousness ending in a white and dark chocolate mousse on a wafer of dark chocolate--need I say more?!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Remember Today 10.3.08

{remember} watching Goonies with the boys for movie night, and realizing in the first 10 minutes that this film was rated before PG 13 was invented. There was a whole lot of swearing going on--yikes!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remember Today 10.2.08

{remember} Camden's teacher not commenting on C at curriculum night (despite having talked to what seemed like ALL the other parents about their children), leaving me to wonder if he's a trouble maker at school, barraging him with all sorts of questions when I arrived home: do you like school?, does Mrs. __ have to get after you?, is she nice to you? Perhaps she was highly distracted or forgot whose mom I was, because after seeing my little guy's sweet smile and knowing his kind and compassionate ways how could he be anything but wonderful at school, right?!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remember Today 10.1.08

{remember} sitting in the car with Camden in the pouring rain in total silence--he upset that he didn't get to hold the umbrella, I reflecting on how I can help him through this transitional time between home and school that has become such a tough spot over the last week or so. Luckily, we had some time before having to pick up Maddox at "school" to just sit and think. He came up with the plan to read so he can earn Gameboy time--let's hope it gives him something to look forward to and work towards.