Friday, July 4, 2008

Remember Today 7.4.08

{remember} a cookout at my sister's house, the boys all playing so nicely together, the guys having baseball time together, the girls organizing a bit, and this conversation with Maddox:

M: Mommy, can I have some dessert?
Me: Did you have dessert already?
M: No.
Me: You didn't have dessert already?
M: No.
Me: Then what's that all over your face?

M: {licks his face as if to try to figure out what on earth I could be referring to, then realizing he's been bagged flashes his adorable grin and tries again} Mommy, can I have some dessert?

*Turns out, the poor kid dropped his first M & M ice cream treat after managing only a bite or two.

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